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Scope out an expanded scope of practice!

Expand Your S.C.O.P.E.™ is a network of ASHA certified speech-language pathologists shadowing and mentoring each other.  SLPs submit profiles.  We match them with other SLPs for mentoring or shadowing. 

Wether you want to transfer INTO or OUT OF home health, SNFs, Hospitals, Clinics, Schools, Early Intervention, Telepractice, Private Practice or a specific clinical specialty, we can help you find another CCC-SLP to connect with for mentoring or shadowing. 

Our mentor-matching program allows you and your mentor or mentee to engage in valuable discourse relevant to your shared field of practice. Our shadowing coordination program allows you to engage in real-life shadowing experiences within your field. While participant certifications/licenses are verified and all program participants must agree to Expand Your S.C.O.P.E.’s™ Terms of Use, Expand Your S.C.O.P.E.™ does not endorse, guarantee, or warrant the quality or services of any program participant or regulate mentor-mentee discourse or shadowing opportunity experiences. Please see our Terms of Use for more information regarding program participation.

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© 2021 by Autumn Bryant| Site Updated: 1/24/19 | By using this site you agree to the Terms of Use AND the Privacy Policy

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