Mentoring & Shadowing Programs for Seasoned SLPs
Mentoring opportunities are aplenty in graduate programs, but where are they for the seasoned speech-language pathologist (SLP)? Many...
SLP State-by-State School Caseload Cap Wiki
A caseload cap is a maximum number of students that one school-based SLP should service. Administrators, a cap is not a number to strive...
HOW TO: 5 Steps to Articulation Carryover
Here’s what I use for articulation carryover ~ 1. I use my articulation hierarchy form with the student throughout the therapy process....
How I target the R sound (with links)
When I worked in junior highs with 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students, one of the most common articulation errors was the /r/ sound (and...
10 Games & Activities for Junior High SLPs
If you're new to middle school or junior high age groups, it can be tough to figure out age appropriate activities. These students are...
Electronic Points Chart!
Have you ever noticed how SLPs don’t have grades they can hold over students heads to motivate them to do their bests? Of course you have!...
SLP Version of Google Classroom
In March of 2015, I asked this question on social media, “Does anyone have an electronic system for sending homework to students? I’m...
Making Allies through Rejection: Replying to SLP School Recruiters
The field of speech-language pathology is a wonderful giving profession clinically. However, it is also riddled with problems...
CCC-SLP Shadowing a CCC-SLP (Vol. 1): Schools
Expand Your S.C.O.P.E.™ seeks to change the ways in which speech-language pathologists (SLPs) go about their professional development. ...
A Day in the Life of SLPs in Various Settings
While ideally all CCC-SLPs would have the means to shadow each other to get a feel for what day-to-day life is like for another CCC-SLP,...